

To use iArt, install it using pip:

(.venv) $ pip install python-iArt

Conducting Randomization Tests with iArt

The test function in the iArt package allows for conducting finite-population-exact randomization tests in design-based causal studies with missing outcomes.

iArt.test(*, Z, X, Y, G='bayesianridge', S=None, L=10000, threshholdForX=0.1, verbose=False, covariate_adjustment=False, random_state=None, alternative='greater', alpha=0.05)

Imputation-Assisted Randomization Tests (iArt) for testing the null hypothesis that the treatment has no effect on the outcome.



Z is the array of observed treatment indicators

X, Yarray_like

X is 2D array of observed covariates, Y is 2D array of observed outcomes,

Sarray_like, default: None

S is the array of observed strata indicators

threshholdForXfloat, default: 0.1

The threshhold for missing outcome to be imputed in advance in covariate X

Gstr or function, default: ‘bayesianridge’

A string for the eight available choice or a function that takes (Z, M, Y_k) as input and returns the imputed complete values

Lint, default: 10000

The number of Monte Carlo simulations

verbosebool, default: False

A boolean indicating whether to print training start and end

covarite_adjustmentbool, default: False

A boolean indicating whether to do covariate adjustment ()

random_state{None, int, numpy.random.Generator,`numpy.random.RandomState`}, default: None

If seed is None (or np.random), the numpy.random.RandomState singleton is used. If seed is an int, a new RandomState instance is used, seeded with seed. If seed is already a Generator or RandomState instance then that instance is used.

alternative{‘greater’,’less’,’two-sided’}, default: ‘greater’

A string indicating the alternative hypothesis

alphafloat, default: 0.05

Significance level



1D array of p-values for lenY outcomes


A boolean indicating whether the null hypothesis is rejected for each outcome

Basic Usage Example

To perform a basic randomization test:

import numpy as np
import iArt

Z = np.array([1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0])

X = np.array([[5.1, 3.5], [4.9, np.nan], [4.7, 3.2], [4.5, np.nan], [7.2, 2.3], [8.6, 3.1], [6.0, 3.6], [8.4, 3.9]])

Y = np.array([[4.4, 0.5], [4.3, 0.7], [4.1, np.nan], [5.0, 0.4], [1.7, 0.1], [np.nan, 0.2], [1.4, np.nan], [1.7, 0.4]])

result = iArt.test(Z=Z, X=X, Y=Y, L=1000, verbose=True)

Different Imputation Methods in iArt

The iArt package supports various methods for imputing missing data. Each method can be specified using the G parameter in the iArt.test function. Below are descriptions of each imputation method:

  • XGBoost (`’xgboost’`): Utilizes the XGBoost algorithm, which is effective for complex datasets with nonlinear relationships. This method is suitable when the dataset has complex patterns that simpler methods might not capture well.

  • Bayesian Ridge (`’bayesianridge’`): Employs Bayesian Ridge Regression, a linear model that is useful for datasets where a linear relationship is expected between the features and the outcome.

  • Median (`’median’`): Imputes missing values using the median of each feature. This method is robust to outliers and is a good choice for skewed data.

  • Mean (`’mean’`): Uses the mean of each feature for imputation. This method is best used when the data is normally distributed and there are no significant outliers.

  • LightGBM (`’lightgbm’`): Applies the LightGBM algorithm, which is efficient for large datasets and can handle categorical features well. It’s an appropriate choice for datasets with complex patterns and a mix of feature types.

  • MICE (`’mice’`): Stands for Multiple Imputation by Chained Equations. It’s a sophisticated method that models each feature with missing values as a function of other features in a round-robin fashion. Suitable for datasets where missing values occur at random.

  • MICE with LightGBM (`’mice+lightgbm’`): A variant of MICE that uses LightGBM as the underlying estimator. This method combines the benefits of MICE with the powerful LightGBM algorithm.

  • MICE with XGBoost (`’mice+xgboost’`): Another variant of MICE, using XGBoost as the estimator. This method is useful for datasets with complex, nonlinear relationships among features.

To specify the imputation method, set the G parameter in the iArt.test function to one of the above options. For example, to use Bayesian Ridge for imputation:

result = iArt.test(Z=Z, X=X, Y=Y, G='bayesianridge', L=1000, verbose=True)

Choose the imputation method that best fits the characteristics of your data and the requirements of your analysis.

Custom Imputation Method

You have the option to create a personalized imputation approach by utilizing the IterativeImputer class with an estimator parameter. This flexibility allows for a bespoke approach to your specific data and imputation requirements, such as enabling GPU support or parallel computing, ensuring a tailored fit to your unique needs.

Example of creating a custom imputation strategy:

from sklearn.experimental import enable_iterative_imputer
from sklearn.impute import IterativeImputer
import lightgbm as lgb

# Configure LightGBM parameters for GPU usage
lgb_params = {
    'device': 'gpu',  # This enables GPU
    # Add other LightGBM parameters as needed

# Create a LightGBM model with GPU support
lgb_model = lgb.LGBMRegressor(**lgb_params)

# Use this model in IterativeImputer
custom_imputer = IterativeImputer(estimator=lgb_model)

# Set the G parameter in iArt to the custom imputer
G = custom_imputer

For guidance on constructing your own imputation method in scikit-learn, visit the IterativeImputer documentation: IterativeImputer.

Additionally, refer to this resource for understanding the standards for scikit-learn estimators: Developing scikit-learn estimators.

Handling Strata in the Data

Stratification in data analysis is a technique used to ensure that different subpopulations are adequately represented. In the iArt package, you can incorporate strata into your analysis using the S parameter in the iArt.test function.

The S parameter requires an array indicating the stratum index for each data point. Each unique value in this array represents a different stratum. The function then considers these strata during the analysis, which can be crucial for representative results, especially in heterogeneous populations.

# S array indicates the stratum index for each data point
S = np.array([0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2])

# Incorporating strata into the analysis
result = iArt.test(Z=Z, X=X, Y=Y, S=S, L=1000, verbose=True)

In this example, the dataset is divided into three strata. The first two data points belong to stratum 0, the next three to stratum 1, and the final three to stratum 2. The iArt.test function will perform the analysis by considering these strata, thus accommodating the potential differences and similarities within each stratum.

Covariate Adjustment

Covariate adjustment in randomization tests is a technique used to control for the effects of observed covariates that might increase the power. In the iArt package, this uses bayesian ridge regression. The iArt.test function allows for covariate adjustment.

To enable covariate adjustment in your analysis, set the covariate_adjustment parameter to True in the iArt.test function. This triggers the application of methods detailed in the article, where covariate adjustment algorithm details are described

# Conducting a randomization test with covariate adjustment
result = iArt.test(Z=Z, X=X, Y=Y, covariate_adjustment=True, L=1000, verbose=True)

In this example, the covariate_adjustment=True argument instructs the iArt.test function to adjust for covariates while handling missing data and conducting the randomization test. This approach is particularly beneficial in studies where covariates are believed to influence the treatment effect or when the goal is to improve the robustness of the causal inference.

For more details on the specific algorithms and methods used for covariate adjustment in iArt, refer to the algorithms.rst documentation.

Specifying an Alternative Hypothesis:

To specify alternative hypothesis, set the alternative parameter in the iArt.test function to one of the following options:

# For a one-sided test greater than
result = iArt.test(Z=Z, X=X, Y=Y, alternative="greater", L=1000, verbose=True)

# For a one-sided test less than
result = iArt.test(Z=Z, X=X, Y=Y, alternative="less", L=1000, verbose=True)

# For a two-sided test
result = iArt.test(Z=Z, X=X, Y=Y, alternative="two-sided", L=1000, verbose=True)

Setting a Random State for Reproducibility:

To set a random state for reproducibility:

result = iArt.test(Z=Z, X=X, Y=Y, random_state=42, L=1000, verbose=True)

The iArt.test function is versatile and can be adapted to various scenarios in causal studies, especially those with missing data. The examples above demonstrate different ways to use the function to suit specific research needs.


The iArt package provides the iArt.test function for conducting finite-population-exact randomization tests in causal studies, particularly when dealing with missing outcomes. This function is a cornerstone of the iArt package, enabling the application of design-based causal inference in various research scenarios.

iArt.test(*, Z, X, Y[, G, S, L, ...])

Imputation-Assisted Randomization Tests (iArt) for testing the null hypothesis that the treatment has no effect on the outcome.